Sunday Poser
The average American, when asked "What are the two biggest problems facing society today?", will answer:
"I don't know and I don't care."
The correct answer is:
"Ignorance and apathy"
As I tip-toe thru the TV channels this glorious Sunday morning I am astonished at the number of charismatic charlatans, each promoting their brand of the "Truth" before hoards of believers. I try to imagine what great things might be accomplished if we could turn all that energy and enthusiasm into something worthwhile. Ain't none of them goin' to heaven no matter how much they shout. Fuggitaboutit!
Next weeks' sermon: What steps has Lee Raymond (ex-CEO of EXXON) taken to insure that his heirs and assigns (or, indeed, he himself) will be welcome in heaven? Can Saint Peter be bribed?
"I don't know and I don't care."
The correct answer is:
"Ignorance and apathy"
As I tip-toe thru the TV channels this glorious Sunday morning I am astonished at the number of charismatic charlatans, each promoting their brand of the "Truth" before hoards of believers. I try to imagine what great things might be accomplished if we could turn all that energy and enthusiasm into something worthwhile. Ain't none of them goin' to heaven no matter how much they shout. Fuggitaboutit!
Next weeks' sermon: What steps has Lee Raymond (ex-CEO of EXXON) taken to insure that his heirs and assigns (or, indeed, he himself) will be welcome in heaven? Can Saint Peter be bribed?
One day, my mother called me up and excitedly told me to turn my television to channel (?) to watch this hilarious new sit com. She was laughing so hard it was almost alarming. I found the program, but had to break the sad news to Mom, that it wasn't a weekly comedy, it was Jim and Tammy Faye Baker.
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