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Monday, March 27, 2006

BSA (City)

The Boy Scouts of America (est. 1910). Being an “Airman Basic” reminded me of the time I spent as a “tenderfoot” in the BSA. Some time after my big brother came home from helping the Navy win the war (WWII) he became a Scoutmaster and although I wasn’t quite old enough to join, I was allowed to tag along since he was the boss. They had weekly meetings at the local Baptist church. One of the parishioners owned some land out in the woods and we were allowed to use it to set up camp and try to conquer (actually, survive) the elements. Getting there was half the battle as we had to drive over some pretty rugged roads and mow down some high grasses with the pickup trucks. Finding a hospitable spot, we would set up camp. We had “pup” tents, an “A” shaped canvas that two people could crawl into and escape the weather. After finding or making a flat spot on the ground we first laid down our “ground cover,” an old shower curtain that would keep the dampness of the earth from reaching us. Then the upright poles and ropes and stakes held the tent in place. We dug a little trench around the perimeter to guide any rainwater away from the inside of the tent. After the camp was complete, we would hike through the woods, identifying various flora and fauna, taking note of which side of the trees the moss was growing on. I learned that handling poison ivy and then touching other more sensitive parts of the body can end up being a painful experience. After a hard trek through the woods, the campfire is the highlight of the day. We try to cook hot dogs on a stick and keep the stick from burning through before the weenie is done. Marshmallows are singed for desert and the ghost stories begin. Sleep comes easy to the tired bodies surrounded by the sounds of crickets and assorted noises of the night.
Before I was old enough to become a Scout we moved to the suburbs and shortly after that big brother got married and resigned his Scoutmastership to follow other pursuits.


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