Shock and Awe
Brethren: I like to visit the Houston Unit 174 website occasionally to see what my old friends are up to. I was SHOCKED when halfway down the page was the header "Arlene Weingarten Day" as these tributes are frequently done post mortem.
I was pleasantly surprised when I found she was not only alive and kicking - but adding to her AWEsome collection of wit and wisdom on her new blog: I check it every Sunday morning before Sunday School. I recommend you do the same.
As to the one day tribute I say it ain't nearly enough so I hereby proclaim that my congregates observe 2010 as the "Year of Arlene."
Pax Vobiscum
Rev S
I was pleasantly surprised when I found she was not only alive and kicking - but adding to her AWEsome collection of wit and wisdom on her new blog: I check it every Sunday morning before Sunday School. I recommend you do the same.
As to the one day tribute I say it ain't nearly enough so I hereby proclaim that my congregates observe 2010 as the "Year of Arlene."
Pax Vobiscum
Rev S
Wow. The Year of Arlene. The last actual named year that I can remember was 2000, not so affectionately called Y2K. Perhaps I should just stick with a day. Good enough for Columbus; good enough for me.
I like the sound of The Year of Arlene. Would it mean more carrot cake?
The Reverend Snodgrass's praise of Arlene Weingarten is commendable. When he adds the Latin words and phrases, his commendations exude class. I had a Professor once who tossed Latin phrases around as if he had an unending supply of them. My favorite? "Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur".
Translation: "Anything said in Latin sounds profound". The Reverend didn't come in on yesterday's turnip truck. For that matter, neither did Arlene. She deserves his accolade.
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