Beating a Dead Horse
I challenge all of the major oil companies to replace their CEOs for one year with a stuffed pig and turn the compensation saved back to the employees, stockholders and customers. Better yet, also replace the boreds of defectives with piglets and do the same with their outrageous lootings. Do you really think the production of oil and gas would come to a screeching halt if these robbers were gagged for a year and could not fill the air with their wisdom? Workers have known for over a century how to turn crude oil into every product possible. Refine it, sell it. How hard can it be? Does each company really need a bevy of bullshitters with fancy titles skimming millions off the top of what we, the consumers, are digging deeper and deeper into our meager funds to provide? Although my whip is weak and the horse has been long dead, I carry on.
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