The cremation rate has been on a brisk rise in the United States, in part because cremation is cheaper than burial and saves land. But powering a crematorium requires an enormous amount of gas and also sends carbon dioxide and other pollutants skyward. Enter resomation, an alternative to cremation for the eco-conscious cadaver.
ILLUSTRATION BY CATH RILEY Resomation is a process that liquefies rather than burns body tissues. It uses about a sixth of the energy of cremation and has a much smaller carbon footprint, according to Sandy Sullivan, the managing director of Resomation, a company in Scotland that has designed a resomation machine. The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota has been using a similar system since 2006 to dispose of donated bodies, but this year the first commercial Resomator is being installed at a funeral home in Florida, one of three states where the process is legal.
Unlike cremation, resomation doesn't vaporize the toxic mercury of dental fillings and doesn't char joint implants, leaving them clean, shiny and potentially recyclable. The bone and tooth material can be ground into a fine ash, as with traditional cremains. The brown liquid, because it's sterile, can go down the drain. "There's no genetic material in it at all; it's just basic organic materials," Sullivan assures. "You might get some people who say they want the fluid as well, but at the end of the day, it's best to send it to the water treatment plant so it ends up back on the land, as nature intended it to."
You have presented this new idea (Resomation) without any of the curmudgeonly editorializing that we, your fans, expect and look forward to. Sometimes we look forward for overly long periods of time because of curmudgeonly inactivity. Inquiring fans want to know what YOU think of all this. As for the euphemism, I find it no more appealing than cremation, but still the "right" alternative. Also, I can't imagine my favorite crank (dropping the curmudgeon euphemism while we're at it) attributing any intentions to nature (Mother Nature, I presume).
The word "cremains" has always given me the creeps. To me, it sounds like a combination of dried cranberries and raisins.
Resomation and the eventual primordial soup sound just as icky. Of course, "The worms go in; the worms go out; in and out the purple snout" sounds just as bad. The eventuality in all of these "boils" down to the same (no pun intended).
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