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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Deadly Dogs

What kind of person buys a “pit bull” dog? Someone looking for a companion?
A playmate for the kids? A guard dog for protection? No, no, and no.
Mostly they are bought to fight other pit bull dogs for fun and profit. Some demented people buy them under the false notion that somehow the dogs ferociousness will make that person seem scary by association. “I’ve got a pit bull!” Wow.
I am sure that a pit bull puppy is just as cute and loveable as a baby lion or tiger or crocodile. But with adulthood, their nature thru breeding comes to the fore.
They are bred to attack, to fight, to maul, whatever comes their way. They don’t understand that the owner really wants them to wait to fight other dogs, there are human infants and toddlers to be had.
Yes, todays paper had a story about a 4 year old child being torn to shreds by two pit bulls while the mother unsuccessfully tried to disengage them. Can you imagine? I shudder to think of it.
I am an animal lover. I have had many cats and dogs under my care that were like children to me. Yet, I can think of no reason, with the plethora of breeds available to humans that pit bulls should continue breeding. They are nothing but a menace to society.
Sterilize the breed, save lives.


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